Hormones and Surgery

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Does the thought of living your life completely as a woman intrigue you? Is it what you wish for, dream about, or is it what you LIVE for? Do you take your next breath only because there is hope you may find a surgeon who will do away with your brother self?

There are hundreds of names on waiting lists at several hospitals across the U.S.A. These people think that they are TS's. Most of them "dress" and some of them even live full time as women, with no one the wiser. These are the ones whose gender discomfort is so intense, so absolutely frustrating, their bodily construction & face perhaps ambigu- ous and embarrassing as men, that they see no other solution than to "cross over," OPERATION OR NOT. These are the true transexuals. The rest are, for the most part, just dreamers.

Before I go any further, I think I should answer the question, "Who is this character who speaks with such brazen authority?" It is a valid question and deserves an answer.

Several years ago my name made the newspapers far and wide. The occasion was the legal change of my name from—shall we say from Bill to Betty. I had achieved my goal and had had sex change surgery so I do know whereof I speak.

The purpose of this article is to try and enlighten you part-time or would-be girls about two particular areas, 1) hormones, and 2) surgery. Hormones are not worthwhile unless you are going to live full time as a woman or are under a doctor's care in preparation for surgery. Why? Because they do things you don't want, even though you may think you do. Like what? They may overload your liver and adversely affect your pituitary gland for a start.